Suggestions, Comments and Complaints


We welcome all comments on the services provided by the Practice. We are continually looking to turn out patients’ feedback into real improvements in the services we provide. We use it to focus on the things that matter most to our patients, carers and their families.

We would like to hear from you if you have a suggestion on how we can do things better to improve our patients’ experiences. We’d also like to hear from you if you are pleased with the service you’ve received.

We’ll let the staff involved know and share the good practice across our teams. You may write to us or contact us by phone. Our details can be found on our Contact Us page.


Making a Complaint

Should you have a complaint about service, please contact us to discuss the matter in the first instance. Many issues can be resolved quickly by speaking directly to the staff concerned or with the Practice Manager, so we can try to resolve the matter immediately.

If the matter cannot be resolved at the informal stage, we will provide you with details of the formal Practice Complaints Procedure.  Please let us know as soon as possible, ideally within a matter of days. You can complete the Patient Complaint Form and send this to the Practice Manager.

Make a Complaint